Espresso is a black, Italian style coffee that literally means "made on the spot for someone who orders it". It is served in a small, demitasse (3 oz) cup of strong coffee produced on a machine designed just for that purpose. Coffee is placed into an espresso machine and hot water is forced through the coffee at very high pressure - extracting all the flavour possible.

Over the years brewing espresso has certainly been made easier with the advancement of more automated and sophisticated machines. However, preparing the "perfect" cup of espresso is still an art that must be learned.

A single shot of espresso will require 7g - 9g of coffee and should brew in approximately 20 seconds, with a double shot brewing in about 24 - 26 seconds. For a double escpresso, an americano, and an americano used as a base for your cappuccinos and lattes, 14g - 18g of coffee will be required. If your espresso has been perfectly brewed, the surface will be covered with a thick, foamy, golden brown crema. A sign of good crema is that when you pour sugar in your espresso it will float on the surface for a few seconds. Any error in grinding or in the percolation phase, such as temperature or extraction level mistakes is immediately shown by the colour, texture and persistence of the crema.

Espresso coffee, despite being a sublime experience on its own, is the foundation for a wide variety of speciality coffee drinks such as the Cappuccino and Frappuccino.

Brew time 20-25 seconds.

If ordering pre-ground coffee, you will require Espresso Grind.